Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Finding Nemo Psychological Profiles of Its Characters Essay

We all know the popular family movie â€Å"Finding Nemo† a kid’s movie that tells a journey of Marlin, a father clown fish, who crosses the vast ocean to find his son Nemo. During Marlin’s journey he comes across many new and scary things, but like any good children’s movie Marlin does eventually find his son Nemo and they go back home and live happily ever after. This all sounds good right? Wrong! Looking at this movie from a psychologist point of view, or in my case a psychology students’ point of view you slowly begin to realize from the moment the movie starts each and every one of the characters in this lovely kids movie is kind of messed up in their own special way. The first character that I would like to talk about is Marlin. Marlin†¦show more content†¦It is noticeable in a couple scenes from the movie. The first is on Nemo’s first day of school after Nemo and Marlin are all ready to leave Marlin makes Nemo exit , enter the n re-exit the sea anemone three times before Marlin deems it suitable for them to leave. Marlin even goes as far as saying they could do it a fourth time if they wanted to. Marlin believes that if he and Nemo do not do this every time they leave their house they could get seriously injured from someone who is waiting outside for both clown fish to leave. Not only does Marlin have OCD but I believe he also suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (pg. 639-641). PTSD is a mental disorder in which an individual suffers from extreme anxiety due to constant reminders of a traumatic past event in their present, everyday life. An example of this would be a soldier. Soldiers go overseas and fight. While over there they see many horrible things. One example is the bombs that armies use. A soldier could be in a situation overseas where he/she is constantly around the loud noises of bomb explosions. Now, when they return home, they are not around these bombs any more but things are continuously reminding them of those events. Slamming a book shut, dropping a plate while you are putting away dishes, dogs barking in your neighborhood, or even cars honking are all examples of daily activities that could remind a soldier whoShow MoreRelatedProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesactivities to accomplish specific organizational objectives. But project management is more than just a set of tools; it is a results-oriented management style that places a premium on building collaborative relationships among a diverse cast of characters. Exciting opportunities await people skilled in project management. The project approach has long been the style of doing business in the construction industry, U.S. Department of Defense contracts, and Hollywood as well as big consulting firms

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